Aki Atkinson
6 min readAug 31, 2017

In the wake of the recent bloody mayhem in America (summer, 2017), there has been much talk of race, racism, white power, white privilege, the ‘alt’ left and right and such like. It is a time of heightened political awareness, fanaticism and folly. Eruptions of violence have forced people to be aware of long term problems which they ought, surely, to already been aware of…. The two main follies which concern this essay are the lack of distinction between Racism and Nazism (or Fascism), and the idea that Fascism and the far Left, or even Anti- Fascism are the same (it is hard to believe but this has actually been repeatedly stated by people who are neither Nazi or insane, but there is it, for some ‘Anti- Fascism is an extreme stance.).

Firstly, let it be known that when this writer uses the word Fascist, it is meant literally. It refers to people who are members of Far Right parties or cults (Neo Nazis or the K.K.K. for example.) and people who actively support such groups. People who are casually or passively racist are not the same as actual Fascists.. Other racist, fanatic and unsociable cults, such as Muslim Fundamentalism and Christian Fanaticism would make too broad a topic to discuss here.

Racism, unfortunately, has always existed in human civilisation (although possible not all of human history). As soon as one tribe noticed that the tribe over the hill had slightly more or less buffalo, more or less attractive women or men, more or less corn or such like, and also a slightly different skin tone, there was racism. One thing that history most definitely proves is that people of different ethnic groups will, from time to time, slaughter each other. Fascism however, is a much more modern problem.

Both are incredibly problematic, but subtly different. A racist Imperial power might consider enslaving a large number of a foreign race, but would not seriously consider wiping it out (although this has happened by tragic accident, for example with the Conquistadors.) A racist might attack a few people of another race, but not then follow it up by killing the victim’s family, friends, ancestors, descendants and anyone else of the same ethnic group until the blood of millions are on their hands. .

Let us not deceive ourselves here, let us be accurate. The blood of millions is on the hands of the Fascist. The German Nazi Party not only killed over 6,000,000 Jews, but also millions of Socialists, Catholics, Gypsies, Anarchists, Communists, Homosexuals, the mentally and physically disabled… basically anyone who was not a Germanic Nazi. That was only the beginning of their ‘Solution’. The modern Fascist wishes to continue this slaughter, they demand the murder of billions. If you are Asian, they would kill you. If you are blind, they would kill you. Black- you’re dead. Arab- dead too. The vast majority of humanity- dead.

But why?

That is the question.

Why, in the early 20th Century did this monstrous thing called Fascism spawn, and why over a hundred years later is it still strong?.

The political and economical causes are already well documented. Germany’s defeat in The First World War and the Great Depression led to the Nazi Party taking power. In modern America the wounds of slavery and Civil war are kept open by poverty and lack of education. But why did Fascism begin, why is it here today? What are the social, spiritual, psychological and philosophical issues behind it

Fascism fills a gap in people’s lives, (like chocolate, T.V or cigarettes). Marx spoke of Religion being ‘the opium of the people’, perhaps Fascism is the Crack of the people.

The early 20th Century was a time of technological progress and social reform, but (like all things) at a price. Looking further back, we have the Industrial Revolution and the Enlightenment. Progress at a vast cost. With the rise of rational philosophy and science there was a decline in faith, not only in god but man also. With the rise of industry, there was the fall of traditional agriculture and craft, and the culture that came with it..

The farmers who were forced to go to the city to work lost not only their land and became alienated from their labour, they also left behind their village church and their Maypole. For the craftsmen the Guildhall and its fraternity was lost. This was not a wound that healed with the passing of generations, but one that festered.

A person with no Gods will look for new idols, and person with no traditions will look for new rituals.

That is another huge difference between racism and Fascism. In Fascism there is ritual, there are parades and rallies, there are superstitions and folk legends, uniforms and idols. It is more like a religion than a political entity. It is not about the white man, it is about the White Christ, the White Gods, the Master Race. The Nazis demonised and venerated the Gods of the North and the Germanic folk heroes. The K.K.K claim to be Christian without seeming to have read a single line of the Bible.

When a person’s social and economic situation is weak, Fascism tells them that they are strong. When a person has lost their traditional culture, Fascism presents them with a new (false) history and culture. It offers god for the godless and hope for the hopeless.

This leads to the many distinctions between fascism and Communism, or between the far right and far left.

Marxism offers a logical assessment of history and predictions based on that. Instead of praise and easy answers, it demands work and sacrifice. ‘The Dictatorship of The Proletariat’ is not a right, but a responsibility.

Instead of offering new gods or saviours, Marxism offers a model of a society where these abstract ideas are replaced with improved material and social conditions.

In times like this is, Starlin is often brought into the debate. ‘What about Stalin,’ they cry,’ he killed more people than Hitler’. Yes, he did, but he was not a Marxist, or a Leninist or even a socialist, he was a small time gangster who murdered his way into power, then abused and corrupted that power.

It is said at the far left and far right are equally bad because they both use violence. This is true, Socialists and Communists have always been, and always will be, ready to use deadly force. The difference is that Fascists believe in race war, but Marxist accept the inevitability of Class War. Class War is fought against the bourgeoisie and their governments in self defence after centuries of oppression. It begins in self defence against the forces which deprive workers of the fruits of their labour and force them into poverty and alienation. It will end with the destruction of classes with brings no benefit, only misery, to mankind. Unlike the Fascists, Marxists do not care about the race, gender, religion or sexual orientation of their enemy. All bourgeoises are equal.

However, with the Fascists, violence is the first and last resort, whereas the Far Left is willing also to use striking, taxation and the democratic process.

When the threat of Fascism emerges, the fat left is the first to combat it (as seen in contemporary America or the Spanish Civil War). Then the far Left of open to criticism from Liberals. Liberals, unless they are also Arians with a secret willingness to submit to Fascism, ought not to complain so readily, but should be grateful. Anyone who does not want to see 95% of the world exterminated ought to be happy that anyone at all will fight against Fascism.

Whoever is reading this, there is a very high possibility that Fascists want to kill you. You personally. Even if you don’t care about the other victims of Fascism, at least give some thought to your own future.

For as long as the world is dominated by soulless capitalism there will be a gap- a spiritual wound- that Fascism will fill and infect. Until this situation, this selfish and meaningless pursuit of wealth, is ended, there will be Fascism, and it must be combated.


